Whether you’re doing renovation of an existing structure, installation of updated utilities or building a new construction project from the subgrade up, there are any number of reasons you might need to know what’s in the concrete after the cement cures, as well as what the conditions of their location are.
Concealed and buried utility conduits, fiber optic and post tension cables, rebar, voids in the concrete caused by improper consolidation and other hazards can all make drilling, cutting and core drilling risky endeavors which threaten the safety of your crew and the integrity of the project if you fail to detect them.
A concrete scan using ground penetrating radar (GPR) scanner technology can reveal all these hazards and help you more effectively plan your work. When you need to know what lies below the surface, behind that wall or lurking in the ground or the slab, you need concrete scanning Fort Myers construction jobs have come to know and trust for all your in situ testing and examination needs.
You’re probably already aware Safe2Core Miami offers concrete and asphalt coring, cutting and sawing contractor services. What you may not know is that we also offer high-definition X-ray and GPR concrete scanning and concrete imaging to locate underground, subsurface and embedded structures, voids, conduits, cables, pipes and other potential obstructions. This enables your crew to quickly and easily tie into existing private utility lines, avoid obstructions and maximize productivity and safety for all your cutting and coring work. It’s also great for identifying safe places to run in new pipe or conduits or take core samples for laboratory testing after placement while avoiding structural steel and post tension cable!

Safe2Core’s advanced technology is great for a comprehensive menu of concrete scanning Fort Myers projects and applications in the following categories:
-Concrete structures
-Concrete slabs on grade
-Wall slabs
-Parking garages
-Undeveloped lot scanning
-Underground utility locating such as plumbing lines, sewer hookups, abandoned septic tanks and electrical/phone/cable-Internet lines
-And much more!
Safe2Core Miami proudly offers concrete scanning Fort Myers and the South Florida area count on, including:
-Fort Lauderdale
-Fort Myers
-Lake Worth
-Fort Myers
-Fort Myers Beach
-Palm Beach
-West Palm Beach
-And beyond!
Safe2Core Miami’s team of skilled, trained, certified scanner operators excel at serving and assisting your crew with X-ray and GPR scanning to locate, identify and avoid obstructions in the concrete, asphalt or subgrade. To learn more about how Safe2Core Miami can help your company in the 305, Brevard County, or the Fort Myers area with your concrete cutting, coring, sawing, drilling, and scanning needs, keep reading for our FAQs about our concrete scanning services, and call (786) 254-5451 or click here to contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions About Concrete Scanning Fort Myers, Florida Contractors Need Answered
Safe3Core Fort Myers has the answers you need for the results you want!
Question: What is ground penetrating radar? –Frankie, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), also known as ground penetration radar, is a nondestructive method of examining the structures and anomalies underlying a surface such as the ground level, asphalt pavement, concrete or stone which relies on electromagnetic induction to create a secondary magnetic field within which anomalous readings such as voids, structures, conduits and the like can be located. It has been used in archaeology, geology and similar sciences to locate and identify the resting attitude of artifacts, ancient bodies and buildings. Perhaps one of the most famous uses of GPR scanners to date has been its use of unearthing the residents and structures of the lost city of Pompeii, which was buried by an eruption from Mt. Vesuvius on 24 Aug 79 CE. While it currently appears unlikely that a large portion of the city, and the victims of the eruption, will ever be recovered, ground penetrating radar systems have played a huge role in the understanding of the daily life of Pompeii and its inhabitants, as well as the suddenness of the eruption and how off-guard the inhabitants of Pompeii were caught by it, offering insights into how to better prepare the modern world for such cataclysmic events. While we always hope our GPR radar scanning will be employed for far lower stakes than unearthing the victims of an unprecedented natural disaster, the repercussions and possible uses of GPR technology cannot be overstated.
Question: What is concrete scanning Fort Myers relies on and what can it find? –Margo, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: Scanning concrete using either X-ray or more recently ground penetrating radar (GPR) can give a comprehensive picture of what lies below the surface you’re scanning. Unlike X-ray, GPR scans can examine the total depth of a concrete surface while being placed on only one face of the structure. X-ray concrete scans require a more elaborate setup with plates on both sides and a more or less complete stoppage of work in the area where the scan is occurring to prevent interference artifact on the final images. Concrete scans can locate structural reinforcement such as rebar and post tension cables, utility lines, voids in the concrete and other anomalies which may pose dangers to the structure, the lines or workers. It can also be used for in situ concrete and utility inspection to ensure the utilities as built match up with the per-plan drawings and their precise location within the slab, wall or area.
Question: How does concrete slab scanning GPR imaging work? –Kevin, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: GPR scanning equipment works through the principle of electromagnetic (EM) induction. The planet has an electromagnetic field which is oriented slightly off-center from the poles, which are in turn aligned 23.5 degrees off “true” North and south.” The Earth’s magnetic field “inverts,” or flips, every 200-15 million years, from a minor switch to a major reversal.
Electromagnetic induction presents a “secondary” EM field. By placing electrodes at designated points, the technician effectively creates a “micro” EM field within which the GPR can function. Within this field, the GPR slab scan apparatus can identify null points (voids), reflective points (solid obstructions) and clear spaces in which an excavator, core drill or concrete cut device should be able to safely function.
Question: How deep does GPR scan in concrete scanning concrete matrix? –Luis, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: The short, simple answer to this question is “Somewhere between ~18” and 10’,” depending on the material we’re scanning and its overall characteristics. The more precise, honest answer is, it depends on the type of material, subgrade and other factors. A GPR scan concrete at different accuracy levels based on these factors.
A 3” concrete slab placed over sand and gravel will give a far better overall concrete scanning Fort Myers reading than a 12” slab placed over clayey silt, because of the relative density differential between the different substances.
Does this mean Fort Myers’s Florida concrete scanning service of choice is no good? Certainly not! It means that certain adjustments and adaptations may have to be made in the field to generate the most accurate possible scan of the area/ At Safe2Core Miami, we have years of experience in concrete scanning, concrete cutting and coring operations which help ensure you get the maximum possible results from our certified, highly trained GPR and Xray concrete scanning technicians!
Question: Can a GPR scan show the size of a void cavity below ground? –Deborah, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: Depending upon the type of material we’re testing, the amount of electromagnetic interference and other factors, yes, it can. In most cases, we can pinpoint the approximate center of a void and get it marked so you can demolish the area and verify the actual size, width and depth of the void for yourself if needed. However, it is our policy to always caution every customer that until we see the actual site for ourselves and get set up and rn the actual scan, any comments we offer were based on best possible scientific guesses. Only when we see the actual site, including the color, consistency, type of underlying material and what, if any, utilities in the area are involved can we give an accurate assessment.
Question: What variables affect concrete scanning Fort Myers using GPR? –Bill, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: There are so many it’s hard to know where to start. In 2021, new concrete mix designs, materials for utility pipe and conduit and et cetera are expected to become all the rage. As you can imagine, adapting to the way these materials evolve isn’t exactly as easy as baking a tray of cookies, especially since many companies jealously safeguard the privacy and security of their mix designs by disclosing only what they absolutely must. Then, of course, there’s the subgrade including any manufactured fill upon which the concrete rests; the mix design of the concrete itself; electrical and other conduits which carry more than a negligible electromagnetic field; any reinforcing elements within the slab, wall or area; and so on. The fact is, our technicians and equipment can overcome just about any field challenge, but it takes seeing the overall project as it lies at the time to determine the best possible approach and ensure maximum depth of penetration and imaging clarity throughout the project.
Question: What’s the difference between concrete GPR and X-ray? –Scott, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: There’s actually quite a bit of difference between the two.
With X-ray scanning technology, you need multiple plates to restrict the X-rays so you can get a cohesive picture, similar to when you go to the hospital for an X-ray. One of the plates is on you. The other is in the table/bed you’re on, or against the wall behind you. This permits the X-rays to bounce, allowing the X-ray machine to gather and measure the reflected radiation. However, this method of scanning also requires the area in which the scan is being performed to be completely quiet and free of vibration, which means all work must be terminated in that area while the scan is being performed, and may require multiple hours.
GPR works a little differently. Within the perimeter created by special electrodes, the radar pulses penetrate down into the ground and reflect at different rates depending upon obstacles they encounter. Metal reflects differently than PVC, which reflects differently than terra cotta, which reflects differently than organic remnants such as bone. Therefore, you don’t need multiple plates, a quiet worksite or as long to get a cohesive picture of the area beneath the ground, assuming of course you don’t run our techs over! In addition, GPR tends to be more accurate, can give colorized images of the area in question, takes a fraction of the time and gives a more detailed picture of what lies beneath so you can drill, cut, core or plan additional work with more confidence and less risk.
Question: Is concrete GPR scanning reliable for my project? –Elise, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: Yes, GPR concrete scans are reliable. This technology has been used both in archaeology and modern forensic science, perhaps most notoriously the Pompeiian victims of the Mt. Vesuvius eruption in 79 CE (A.D.) and the case of Bruce McArthur, a serial killer who hid the bodies of multiple victims in concrete planters in Toronto, Ontario, CA. Many insurance companies and courts accept GPR results as factual evidence, and the gallery of GPR results which are borne out by further exploration is increasing daily on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and many blog sites. In addition, National Geographic, Science Magazine and a host of more esoteric journals speak to ground penetrating radar’s efficacy and effectiveness in pinpointing obstacles, obstructions and anomalies below the ground.
Question: Why can’t ground penetrating radar find everything? –Chad, Fort Myers, FL
Answer: GPR relies on relative densities and reflective capabilities of given substances. Think of this as similar to the sonar used by dolphins or bats to navigate. Different materials with different densities and reflective characteristics reflect sound and EM waves at different rates. Because of this, materials with similar reflective characteristics to the surrounding material will not show up, or may show up as mere “shadows” rather than a clearly defined aberration within the area. When such an anomaly is located, it is noted; however, how the anomaly is handled depends on the per-plan and as-built drawings for the site or area, and the judgment of the civil engineer, the contractor and the technician working in concert in most cases.In some situations, there is simply no way to assure the area is completely free of impinging or infringing material.
However, GPR technology has advanced sufficiently that most manmade materials can and will show up on a scan, and these scans are typically sufficient for a court of law or an insurance company, and are therefore considered the gold standard in reliability for such scans in modern times.
To learn more or for your free quote for fast response concrete scans and location of private utilities on your jobsite, please click here to contact or visit Safe2Core Miam, located at 14262 SW 140th St #104, Miami, FL 33186 or call us at (786) 254-5451 for a fast response and results you can trust!

Notable Places for Contractors to Visit in Fort Myers, Florida
If you work in the construction industry in Fort Myers, you’re probably going to get to know these places well. Safe2Core Miami is here to make your project easier by giving you a quick guide to some of the better-known departments you’ll need to visit at least once in a while. Be sure to read below for a couple of sights you may want to take in when you’re off the clock, too!
2200 Second Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901
They say you can’t fight City Hall, but there’s nothing to stop you from visiting! Fort Myers’ City Hall is the nerve center for all city agencies in the area, so permits, planning and other key agencies operate out of the same complex.
Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce
2310 Edwards DriveFort Myers, Florida 33901
Not sure if you’re trying to contact the right city department? Playing phone tag with government agencies? Try the Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce! With links to important agencies and local points of interest, it’s a great place to check out both for business information and leisure-time activities.
Fun Things to Do in Fort Myers
If you love the Great American Pastime, Fort Myers may just be the closest you can get to heaven on earth. The Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins both have their spring training camps in Fort Myers, and JetBlue Park replicates iconic Fenway Park right down to the Green Monster! Take in practice, watch some of your favorite heroes (or villains) of the diamond and maybe even get that card signed!
Fort Meyers is world-renowned for its deep-sea fishing. Marlin, swordfish and other delicious giants of the deep are all waiting in the Gulf of Mexico for an angler with the skills, patience and persistence to land them. Be sure to stop at Whidden’s Marina and pick up drinks for the trip, as long as tips from veterans on where to catch the biggest and best fish!
Sanibel Island
Florida has no shortage of beaches and islands, but Sanibel Island is a world apart. This east-west barrier island features gorgeous sunsets and beaches so popular with shell-hunters that the “Sanibel Stoop” is considered the island’s local claim to fame. Be sure to check out the lighthouse, and have a delicious seafood dinner on the beach!